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Privacy Policy

TechHelper takes your privacy very seriously. You can visit and use our services anonymously without revealing any of your personal information. We are completely transparent about the information we collect.

What We Collect

User agent: We collect the data of your user agent when you access TechHelper which consists of your IP address, operating system, browser name, browser version, visited pages of our services, and visited date and time. We use this information only to administrate our services.

What We Do Not Collect

Input for User: We do not collect any form of your input when using our tools whether it be text, code, or images. Your input will temporarily be used to process for the result only. It will never be sent to backend, collected or stored permanently.
Generated Output: We do not collect any form of the output created by our tools. All tools works offline and nothing will be sent to the internet. Your data never leaves your system.

Third Party Services : Google Analytics

We allow Google Analytics to access their own cookies on the device you use to access our services. Google Analytics allows us to learn more about our visitors actions which helps in improving the services.

Privacy Policy Revisions

TechHelper reserves the right to change this privacy policy at any time with or without prior notice.


If you have any questions regarding these terms of service, you can contact us via the email[at]

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